a craft fair in a box for wool lovers  
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What's in the Box?

Mohair Craft - Kid Mohair Yarn

As you drive north and south from Auckland, you have probably seen (and hopefully stopped in at) the Mohair Craft shops at the Motorway Service Centres at Bombay and Dairy Flat. They have a great selection of yarns available, both for knitting and spinning, and also plenty of other crafty gift ideas.

Mohair Craft have very kindly sent an enormous parcel of beautiful Kid Mohair Yarn for the next NZ Yarn Sampler Box. Each sample is a huge 50g ball, so this is a very generous submission! There's a wide selection of colours - the photo shows only some of the available samples. You'll love receiving this sample in your box!

Mohair craft use only the finest Kid Mohair available to make their premium Kid Mohair products. Kid Mohair comes from the younger and better bred goats and is noticeably thinner and softer than the adult mohair and young goat mohair used by most Mohair product suppliers. You will be amazed how soft and luxurious their kid mohair products feel compared to products made with young goat and adult mohair.

Check out Mohair Craft's website at www.mohair.co.nz