Would you be interested in being part of an innovative advertising medium to give your knitting-related product more direct exposure to potential customers?
It costs nothing to be a part of the sampler box advertising program – all you need to submit is a minimum of 20 samples of your product. It could be yarn ready for knitting, fibre for spinning, embellishments, stitch markers, gift tags - whatever it is that you make that knitters would like as a sample and then can come back to you to shop further.
You will have your own feature page on this website, including photos of the samples you provide and advertising links to your website. Your samples and feature will also be blogged, and advertised through etsy, ravelry and felt craft community websites. Plus, the NZ YarnSampler Boxes will be promoted via GoogleAdsense.
BONUS: Submit 40+ samples to receive a free NZ Yarn Sampler Box for yourself!
I am also accepting small advertising submissions, eg business cards, specials coupons for your store, that sort of thing. (Please note that this type of submission does not earn you a free box).
Please contact me if you are interested in this great advertising venture. It is a low-risk, low-cost promotional method of reaching your target market, and one that is extremely fun and exciting – who wouldn’t love to receive a surprise parcel of beautiful yarns and accessories?
Blendy’s NZ Yarn Sampler Box Advertising Program
- No fees, only your cost to provide your samples
- Minimum of 20 samples needed to participate, approx 5-15g per sample for yarn, or single item / small packet (eg embellishments, stitch markers, gift tags, etc)
- Don’t forget to attach your card or promotional material to each sample
- Contributor bonus: Provide 40+ samples to receive a free Sampler Box before they go on sale!
- Advertising via website, blog, and etsy.com, ravelry.com, felt.co.nz groups
- Google Adwords promotion to direct people here from other knitting related sites.
- Samples needed before April 9 2010
- This will probably be a quarterly advertising event – take part in as few or as many as you like.
- There is no financial cut for suppliers - this is purely an online advertising and marketing promotion to customers all over the world.